Pre & Post Natal
We get how demanding motherhood can be, physically, mentally & emotionally.
That’s why we offer pregnant women & new mums an holistic approach to rebuilding their strength, pelvic floor & wellbeing in a way that encompasses body, mind & emotions.
Classes are led by compassionate & qualified pre & post-natal trainers who understand the highs & lows of motherhood.
Pre & Post Natal fitness in manly
Spots currently available for our February – March program!
Strength & Fitness: Mondays 9.30 – 10.30am
Pilates: Thursdays 10.30 – 11.30am
Our strength, fitness & Pilates classes are the best way to start your journey back to fitness after having a baby (or while preparing to have one!)
We prioritise pelvic floor & core, along exercises to rebuild your strength & energy levels (Sally is a mum of two under two & knows exactly how exhausted you feel!)
We address the specific needs of postpartum women and offer a balance between gentle & challenging exercises. We cater to pelvic floor weakness, prolapse, diastis recti (tummy separation) and other birth injuries.
These classes are ideal for pregnant women or women who have had a baby within the last 18 months.
All classes are child friendly, with a relaxed approach – we know your babe might cry & fuss and need to feed and we offer no judgement, only support.