In less than a decade, the popular hashtag ‘fitspo’ (fit inspiration) has gone from the motivational message it was intended to be, to a damaging
From your favourite Brisbane female personal trainer, Sally McWilliam.
Stay tuned to learn about fitness, health & body image for a balanced body and happy mind!
In less than a decade, the popular hashtag ‘fitspo’ (fit inspiration) has gone from the motivational message it was intended to be, to a damaging
For those days when your back is a little bit grumpy! Do you suffer from lower back pain? Yeah. Me too, thanks to a snowboarding accident
The body you have right now, at this very moment, is a bikini body. Since you were old enough to buy Cosmo you’ve been bombarded
Motivation is a tricky thing. Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don’t. We know relying on will power alone rarely works. Try these 5 motivation
Taking a new journey down the road of health and fitness can seem daunting. Sometimes it can all seem like too much effort. To make
What does the number on the scale mean to you? For many women, stepping on the scale can be a source of discomfort – even
Not sure how to maintain your fitness if you’re stuck at home in lockdown? Read on! 1. Use your waiting time. Waiting for the ATO
You don’t need to apologize for your body. You don’t need to apologize for your weight. For the curve of your thighs. For the softness
Hi, I’m Sally and I’m a Brisbane female personal trainer – and I think that BURPEES SUCK! Surprised? Once upon a time a man got