Mention the words “self-care” and most people immediately think of a massage or other luxurious treatment at a beauty spa, where they can enjoy being pampered.
While I’m all for that, by thinking only of self-care in terms of a massage, my concern is that it becomes an indulgence reserved for special occasions or ‘every now and then’.
I think we’ve got the wrong end of the stick!
In actual fact, self-care is all about the routine. It’s the things you do every day to take care of yourself – body, mind and soul. It’s about habits, not occasional, often expensive, luxuries.
We can practice self-care every minute of every day!
What Self-Care REALLY Looks Like
This is what self-care REALLY looks like:
- drinking plenty of water;
- getting enough sleep;
- eating food you love and savouring it – instead of punishing yourself for eating something ‘bad’, or restricting yourself to only what you consider ‘good’;
- giving yourself permission to have a break – whether it’s ten minutes enjoying the sunshine or breeze outside during your lunch break, or a nanna nap on the weekend;
- choosing exercise that makes you feel good;
- scheduling regular checkups – at the dentist, optometrist, mole scan, breast screen etc
- spending time on things that light you up on the inside – whatever that may be for you. If it’s a massage – go ahead! But it could be something completely different, and not something ‘luxurious’ or ‘pampering’ at all;
- enjoying time with friends and family;
- meditation.
PT or Self Care Coach?!
As a holistic personal trainer, I’m all about supporting you to create healthier habits. That means, while I help you to reach your exercise and fitness goals, it also encompasses your overall health and wellbeing – and sometimes, that’s reminding you to prioritise the care of your mind and soul too. Think of me as your self-care coach!
I’m learning to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, too. I sometimes experience back pain due to an old injury, and am recognising that when this happens it’s time for me to take a step back, and take care of myself.
For you, self-care might be knowing that you are coming down with a cold or other bug and being kind to yourself. Giving yourself permission to sit on the couch and actually be sick, with a hot lemon drink and watching rubbish TV, instead of soldiering on.
It’s knowing when you are running on empty, and making some time out a priority.
it’s about being aware of what YOU need, and then taking care of it.
You already know HOW to take care of people (children, parents, partner, etc); now you need to prioritise taking care of yourself!
Connect with me –
Sally McWilliam
Body Positive Fitness Professional and Self-Care coach!
Your local Personal Trainer if you live in Brisbane bayside or Redlands